Calling all pie bakers!!
Announcing a pie baking contest to be held at the Pumpkin Weigh-In and Village Fair being held at the Red Apple Farm on Saturday, October 7th and Sunday, October 8th.
You can preregister until Friday, October 6th at noontime. Be sure and pre-register! There is no entry fee.
Please understand that the pies will be used to fund an educational purpose, and will become property of the Phillipston Congregational Church.
We will need your name, phone number, and ingredients list and allergen information. Also please print and tape the ingredients and allergen info to the bottom of the pie plate.
Please note, we won’t have a means of refrigeration, so cream pies can’t be accepted.
Judging will be done by the Phillipston Agricultural Commission and ribbons will be awarded by the Phillipston Congregational Church. Drop off time will be from 11 am to 1 pm with the Agricultural Commission.
This contest is another friendly competition for the Fall Fair and the pies are going to be sold by the church, either by piece or auction, to fund a donation to a Narragansett agricultural group. For any questions, or to pre-register, please call and/or leave a message with Jack Seamon at 978-895-1452.