Queen Lake Association

Queen Lake Association 2013 Annual Meeting

Notice to all members/owner’s in regards to our upcoming Annual Association Meeting. The Annual Meeting will take place on Saturday, July 13, 2013 at 9 a.m. at the Phillipston Congregational Church on the Common. A copy of the current agenda is available below.

Please encourage your Queen Lake neighbor to attend. Also, if your neighbor has recently purchased property on Queen Lake, invite them to see what the Association is all about.

If you have an item that you would like to add to the agenda, please contact:

John Colby, President-978-249-5871
Luanne Royer, Secretary-978-939-2593

Election of Officers and Board of Directors will take place at the meeting.

Please contact a member of the Nominating Committee: Sally Suomala, Chairman (sally.suomala.3@facebook.com) , Bob Clark(Spa Road) or Jim Potter(Spa Road subrbe@aol.com  and his phone number is 413-559-8832.) if you are interested in running for an Officer or a member of the Board of Directors.

Current Officers for 2012-2013 are:

President, John Colby
Vice President, Timothy Haley
Secretary, Luanne Royer
Treasurer, Sandra Hakkarainen

Board of Directors:

Don Wilson (2015) Russ Flagg (2014) Bob Lafortune (2013)
Scott Conti (2015) Joanne Augustino (2014) Matt Pearson (2013)
Gerry Gariepy (2015) Steve Wilson (2014) Tom Royer (2013)

The Annual Boat Parade for the Summer of 2013, will not take place. If you are interested in seeing the tradition continue, please let us know at the meeting.

New this year is the Queen Lake Regatta. This will take place on Saturday, August 17 noon to approximately 1 p.m. Rain/No wind date will be Sunday the 18. Information will be available at the meeting and on this website or you can contact Rich Suomala @ Richsally2180@comcast.net.

Annual dues are due at this time. Please detach the form below and submit it with your payment. Dues are $20 and can paid at the meeting or by mailing a check to our Treasurer:

Sandra Hakkarainen
80 Lincoln Avenue
Holden MA 01520