May 18, 2016 at 6:30 P.M.
Vestry of Congregational Church
Everyone is invited to come to the annual meeting and potluck supper. It is always a time of good food and good fellowship and a time to catch up on the doings of the Society. The Society continues to move ahead and we soon hope to have the handicapped ramp in place so the Historical Society museum can once again be open to the public. We are especially proud to have an active Junior Historical Society that did a Lego block construction of our town’s center as it was in the 1890’s. This extraordinary accomplishment is on display at the Gardner Museum until the end of May. Besides learning about the present activities and plans for the future, the meeting will include election of officers for the coming year. Come and be a part of this important organization. Bring a main dish, salad, or dessert. If you can’t come for supper, you’re welcome to join us at 7:15 for the meeting.