A Dramatic Historical Society Program on a Slave Woman’s Life
Presented by Gwendolyn Quesaire-PresuttiApril 24th at 7 P.M.
Phillipston Congregational Church Vestry
Gwendolyn is an accomplished actress and historical researcher of Women of Color, and she has combined these two skills to bring to life what it was like to be a slave for prominent people in history. In this program she will portray Oney Judge Staimes, the house servant for George and Martha Washington. She served them at their home at Mount Vernon and moved with them to the Capital after he was elected President. It’s the story of the lowest in society working for the highest, insight into the life of the first President’s household from a slave’s point of view when slavery was allowed in all the states. (Massachusetts abolished slavery in 1781.)
All are welcome. It will be an unforgettable presentation, a good one for young people to experience as well. The Library is co-sponsoring this program with the Historical Society, and we are grateful to the Cultural Council for funding it. Light refreshments will be served following the program.